The Centre for New Beginnings is affiliate organization of GPS,GPS Partners with the centre provide assistance to individuals with grief and loss.
The mission of the Centre for New Beginnings is to skilled emotional support and community resources to individuals and families experiencing loss due to major life transitions.
Grief is the natural emotional response to unexpected or unwanted change. It can result from the loss of a loved one such as a parent or spouse. It can come about as a result of a divorce, loss of a job or business.
Grief management can be challenging to survivors. Many of the challenges do not present themselves until six to eighteen months after the loss has occurred when one’s normal support system is not as available as they once were. Dealing with grief means dealing with feelings and issues of loneliness, despondency, helplessness, anger and/or hopelessness. Effectively managing loss may bring about acceptance, greater self-reliance and open doors to making new friends.
Reaching out to others for support during periods of extended episodes of grief creates effective pathways for beginning to enjoy life anew again.
The services and programs of the Centre for New Beginnings include:
Individual Support Services: One-to-one support services are available to anyone experiencing grief, bereavement or forced transition in their lives. Individual Support Services are recommended for the newly bereaved.
Widows and Widowers’ Support Group: 8 – 10 week support group for those who have lost a spouse within the last three years.
Healing Heart Program: The Healing Heart Program for Children is a six-week grief support program for children ages 4 – 16 who have experienced the death of a relative or friend. In three different age-related groups and in a caring, safe and supportive environment, children participate in various activities and discussions focusing on the death of their loved one.
The ten-week Healing Heart Program for Parents assists parents to understand a child’s grief process, how to address their questions on death, how to understand their feelings of loss, insecurity and uncertainty, and how to face the future in light of the loss.
The Grieving Child in the Classroom: This seminar is designed to assist school administrators, educators and counselors to understand and to meet the needs of children who have experienced a meaningful loss in their lives, whether grief affects only one child, a classroom full of children, or an entire student body. This seminar may be conducted at the school site.
If you need assistance, please call (866) 477-8632 or email us by clicking HERE.