Specialized Crisis Debriefing is a service provided by Grand Prairie Services as a resource to employers that have experienced a Critical Incident in the workplace.
The Specialized Crisis Team provides Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, an effective method to help individuals reduce the stress they experience in response to a Critical Incident which is key to being able to function and to live a productive life.
What is a Critical Incident?
A Critical Incident can be defined as any situation faced by an individual that causes them to experience unusually strong emotional reactions. These strong emotional reactions have the potential to interfere with the individual’s ability to function either at the scene or at a later date.
Purpose of Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
The success of any organization hinges on the performance of its employees. Reactions to abnormal events can adversely effect an employee’s ability to meet performance expectations. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing has the potential to assist individuals in reducing the severity of their emotional reactions to an abnormal event.
With Critical Incident Stress Debriefing services, your organization will have the opportunity to provide services which will greatly reduce the post traumatic effect employees often experience following a critical incident.
Common Emotional Reactions:
- Shock
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Despair
- Fear
- Depression
- Guilt
- Helplessness
- Denial
Many employees are reluctant to share these reactions with co-workers or supervisors for fear of being judged unstable. Statistics show that small percentages of victims of critical incidents are actually treated by Mental Health Professionals. An individual must return to the scene of the incident in order to remain employed. However, it is common for those who have not received treatment to leave their position due to feeling unsafe.
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing allows an employer to remove the stigma associated with seeking help from a Mental Health Professional and offer the tools necessary for employees to return to pre-incident productivity levels.
Specialized Crisis Services Responses
The Specialized Crisis Team responds to an event that has the potential to cause trauma to those who have witnessed unusual incidents such as robberies, hostage or riot situations, threats or acts of violence in the workplace, staff assaults, suicides, injuries or deaths of individuals/employees, line-of-duty or traumatic deaths, accidents, fires/arson, and many other types of incidents.
Everyday the newspapers are filled with stories of disgruntled employees causing violent workplace incidents, or a large scale traumatic event faced by public service employees such as firefighters, police officers, disaster responders or healthcare workers. The list goes on and on. The Specialized Crisis Team is trained to respond to all incidents of this nature and many others.
Who We Are
The Specialized Crisis Team is composed of Mental Health Professionals who have received special crisis training and participate in regular continuing education sessions. Our professional staff members have been specifically trained to conduct educational debriefings.
What We Offer
- Support teams at the scene, and after an incident
- Debriefings and defusing’s
- Family support programs, including special programs for spouses and significant others
- A resource and referral network
- Additional Specific Services by Industry
- Police Department
- Fire Department
- Short duration, intensive services to accommodate time constraints such as Roll Call or Team meeting schedules
- Short duration, intensive services to accommodate the time constraints of firefighters on duty response calls
- Services provided for family members of officers or other Department members
- Collaboration with Command Staff to develop a debriefing plan
- Services provided for family members of officers or other Department members
- Collaboration with Command Staff to develop a debriefing plan
- Banking
- Educate employees on stress management and assist in skill development which is intended to return employees to pre-event productivity
- Educational Institutions
- Assistance in development of a Disaster Plan
- Assist Administration in Post Disaster Debriefing Plan
- Disaster Responders/Healthcare Providers
- Education in symptom management of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Corporate Entities
- Collaborate with Administrative or Executive Staff to develop a plan in anticipation of staff downsizing or workplace
- violence
- Assist Administrative or Executive Staff with the personal and professional issues arising as a result of staff
- downsizing or workplace violence
Who to Call
If you are in need of Specialized Crisis Services please call (708)331.0500. Ask to be immediately connected to the Specialized Crisis Director. Your call will be responded to within minutes. At the time of the initial phone call, a member of the Crisis Team will work with you in developing an action plan. We will arrange for an on-site visit at a time that is convenient to you.
If you need assistance, please call (866) 477-8632 or email us by clicking HERE.