The Linkage Care Management services provide supportive services for individuals in all State operated mental health facilities. Care management services include the provision of supports such as planning, coordination, advocacy and professional consultation with other providers of service and assistance with transition of living arrangements.
This program ensures that consumers that have been evaluated for or admitted to the State operated psychiatric facility receives prompt follow-up care in the community. Linkage Care Management staff participate in discharge planning activities while the individual is in the hospital.
Once consumers are liked with GPS, care management and outpatient services are provided to reduce the likelihood of a return to the psychiatric hospital.
If you need assistance, please call (866) 477-8632 or email us by clicking HERE.
Specialized ACT services are provided to consumers at greatest risk of rehospitalization. Services are comprehensive team-based services provided to adults with serious persistent mental illness. Services are consistent with evidence based practice model. ACT provides consumers with access to a highly qualified, multidisciplinary team of practitioners who provide most services in the community. Individuals served by these teams often require outreach to remain engaged in services.
If you need assistance, please call (866) 477-8632 or email us by clicking HERE.
Addiction Services offers the following services:
- Level 1 and Level 2- Intensive Outpatient Groups
- Individual Counseling
GPS’ Mentally Ill Substance Abuse Program (MISA) responds to this population by providing psychiatric services, medication monitoring, counseling and care management services and also links individuals with detoxification and other services they may need to overcome their addictions.
If you need assistance, please call (866) 477-8632 or email us by clicking HERE.